Women Modernists in New York

Women Modernists in New York exhibition will look at the art and careers of modernists Marguerite Zorach, Florine Stettheimer, Helen Torr, and Georgia O’Keeffe together for the first time. These women all sought to be recognized as artists rather than women artists, but their identity as women shaped the circumstances under which they worked, the forms their art took, and the way their pictures were interpreted. By exploring these effects, this exhibition will reveal the influence of gender on American modernism.

O’Keeffe, Stettheimer, Torr, Zorach: Women Modernists in New York.” As conceptions of women were changing in the early 20th century, these four artists blazed new trails in art. Presenting more than 60 works, this show illustrates their different yet sometimes intersecting paths. Left, Marguerite Thompson Zorach’s “Prohibition” (circa 1920).

Accompanying this exhibition, there will be a lecture titled "Sisters of the Brush and Palette: American Women Painters, 1870-1940" on April 3, at 3 pm. were Erica Hirshler, Senior Curator of American Paintings, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, will discuss women who flourished in the arts, despite the fact, as one confessed in 1900, "the chief obstacle to a woman's success is that she can never have a wife."

Through May 15. Norton Museum of Art, 1451 South Olive Avenue; 561-832-5196, norton.org.