Tag Archives: Watercolor

Paraprint Washing

Paraprint washing explained: A preferred technique of washing for papers with sensitive medium because the simplicity of the set up and of the easy application.

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Watercolor Conservation: Can a Discolored Watercolor be Rescued?

Watercolor conservation is a specialized field that focuses on preserving and restoring watercolor artworks, which are delicate and vulnerable due to their water-soluble nature. Watercolor has been used as an artistic technique since ancient civilizations. It was used mostly to execute preparatory drawings for wall paintings and for ornamentation. The first known use is probably…
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Conservation Vs. Restoration

Conservators, also called Restorers (1) are professionals with enough skills, knowledge and training to preserve as well as conserve artworks and cultural heritage for the future generations. The conservator-restorer work is primarily a manual art/skill; but this should be closely related to theoretical knowledge which gives him/her the capacity to perform tasks such as carrying…
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