Category Archives: Objects

Handling and Transportation of Works of Art

[mp_row] [mp_span col="12"] [mp_text] Artnet News, an electronic magazine, published on November 23rd an interesting article about Handling and Transportation of Works of Art titled  7 Art Shipping Nightmares and How Best to Avoid Them. According to Laura Doyle, fine art specialist with Chubb Insurance, the majority of art losses occur while items are in…
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Thread by Thread Tear Repair on Torn Canvas Supports

[mp_row] [mp_span col="12"] [mp_text] Thread by Thread Tear Repair is a state of the art technique for repairing tears aiming to reestablish the continuity of the fabric weave, while also preserving the original texture of the painting. Thread by thread tear repair was developed in opposition to the quite invasive lining or patching techniques, following…
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American Flag Restored

Just two days prior to Independence Day, we, at South Florida Art Conservation, are working in a 37 stars American Flag. The treatment consisted in surface cleaning by vacuum, with a protective screen and low suction; elimination of old patches that didn't match the color and were covering one of the points of a star, careful tear…
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Inpainting, Retouching and Over-painting

Inpainting, retouching and over-painting are terms commonly used in the conservation - restoration field. On occasion they are used interchangeably, but there are subtle differences that should be clarified.

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